Thursday, 9 April 2009

Blessed with a 14-inch penis. (At least for a day).

The outsides of many Bhutanese homes are adorned with beautiful paintings. Sometimes a dragon, sometimes a tiger, sometimes a six-foot phallus or two. All are there to ward-off evil spirits.

A short hike across some rice terraces and up a low dusty hill in the shape of a woman's breast - my guidebook's description, not mine - and we reached the temple to the Divine Madman, Lama Drukpa Kunley, a deity in this country for his religious teachings and, oddly, his love of wine and women; hence the appendage.

At the shrine, having spun prayer wheels, removed our shoes to enter the temple and made a small offering, each of us was tapped on the forehead by a monk with a bow plus three oversized... err... dicks: one of bone, one of wood and one of bamboo. It's supposed to be auspicious.

Just another day taking in the culture of this country...

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