Sunday, 15 March 2009

Hong Kong, briefly.

Arrived into a beautiful, clear-skied afternoon in Hong Kong after an excellent flight.

I remember last time being hugely impressed by the massive, super-efficient Chep Lap Kok Airport and the infrastructure here - and today was the same. Within 15 minutes of landing I was on the high speed train into the city, travelling over the islands, past the skyscrapers and industry of the Special Economic Zone that is this part of China. 

And the same thought went through my mind again: this is the future, and the West needs to wake-up. (Every Euro-sceptic should see this place to understand both the drive and hunger for progress that exists here, and why Europe needs to collaborate as a group of nations, to have any chance at all).

I've always enjoyed HK. 'A dream of Manhattan, arising from the South China Sea.' is how it's aptly been described. Certainly for me - with it's mix of colonial heritage and super-dense towers - it feels like a vision of the future, yesterday. 

Today it was wonderful to see my dear friend, Philly, who lives here. I look forward to our spending more time together when I return to Honkers later on this trip.

I have an early flight to Bangkok in the morning, and then one to Yangon (Rangoon) later in the day. I'm shattered. Time for bed.

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