Friday, 9 January 2009

The ego has landed.

This is the only entry I'll dedicate to Shrek, the guy who joined our trip half-way through, but it's warranted. 

He's not an unpleasant person but a week cooped up with him has been a challenge. 

It's no exaggeration to say I've never met such an extraordinary (for all the wrong reasons) man. His loudness and verbal dioreah, self-centredness, shameless self-publicity and failure to recognise the needs of others has driven me to near distraction.

He's also a dreadful photographer. Terrible. That's not a reason to dislike someone but he relentlessly and noisily shoots everything, everything, he sees. (By his own calculations he's taken 6000 snaps in 21 days). He also thinks he's good and so, unfortunately, insists in sharing his mediocrity. 

It's got to the point where had I spotted a pride of lions doing a song and dance routine, I wouldn't mention it for the fuss he'd make.

But he's one of those rare individuals that it's impossible to insult or offend; he has the hide of a war-torn rhinoceros. 

So why the venom? Because in Etosha, for three days, he managed to ruin just about every wildlife encounter we had.

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